Hello community,
I don’t know a lot about strapi but a friend who is trying ouy fly.io asked for my help on how deploy here. And I thought it could be a great opportunity to add it as yet another easy deployment example on fly since it seems strapi is a very popular headless CMS. The image in question is “Docker Hub”. And I went through the following steps:
flyctl launch --image strapi/strapi
flyctl deploy --remote--only
at which point I got the following log out put:
==> Validating app configuration
--> Validating app configuration done
TCP 80/443 ⇢ 8080
Searching for image 'strapi/strapi' remotely...
image found: img_rxdkzvq5rdv9nmwq
Image: registry-1.docker.io/strapi/strapi:latest
Image size: 372 MB
==> Creating release
Release v0 created
You can detach the terminal anytime without stopping the deployment
Monitoring Deployment
1 desired, 1 placed, 0 healthy, 1 unhealthy [restarts: 2] [health checks: 1 total, 1 critical]
v0 failed - Failed due to unhealthy allocations - no stable job version to auto revert to
Failed Instances
==> Failure #1
ID = 4afe1213
Version = 0
Region = lhr
Desired = run
Status = failed
Health Checks = 1 total, 1 critical
Restarts = 2
Created = 4m38s ago
Recent Events
2021-04-24T12:07:48Z Received Task received by client
2021-04-24T12:07:48Z Task Setup Building Task Directory
2021-04-24T12:08:00Z Started Task started by client
2021-04-24T12:09:17Z Restart Signaled healthcheck: check "66cf15a97e3a024dadbbfb595963ba3f" unhealthy
2021-04-24T12:09:26Z Terminated Exit Code: 0
2021-04-24T12:09:26Z Restarting Task restarting in 1.10674283s
2021-04-24T12:09:28Z Started Task started by client
2021-04-24T12:10:46Z Restart Signaled healthcheck: check "66cf15a97e3a024dadbbfb595963ba3f" unhealthy
2021-04-24T12:10:54Z Terminated Exit Code: 0
2021-04-24T12:10:54Z Restarting Task restarting in 1.032824943s
2021-04-24T12:10:57Z Started Task started by client
2021-04-24T12:12:14Z Restart Signaled healthcheck: check "66cf15a97e3a024dadbbfb595963ba3f" unhealthy
2021-04-24T12:12:23Z Terminated Exit Code: 0
2021-04-24T12:12:23Z Not Restarting Exceeded allowed attempts 2 in interval 5m0s and mode is "fail"
2021-04-24T12:12:23Z Alloc Unhealthy Unhealthy because of failed task
2021-04-24T12:12:23Z Killing Sent interrupt. Waiting 5s before force killing
Recent Logs
2021-04-24T12:09:29Z [info] Using strapi 3.6.0
2021-04-24T12:09:29Z [info] No project found at /srv/app. Creating a new strapi project
2021-04-24T12:09:29Z [info] Creating a new Strapi application at /srv/app.
2021-04-24T12:09:30Z [info] Creating a project from the database CLI arguments.
2021-04-24T12:09:31Z [info] Creating files.
2021-04-24T12:09:33Z [info] - Installing dependencies:
2021-04-24T12:09:34Z [info] Health check status changed to 'critical'
2021-04-24T12:10:46Z [info] Shutting down virtual machine
2021-04-24T12:10:46Z [info] Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 503
2021-04-24T12:10:50Z [info] Health check status changed to 'passing'
2021-04-24T12:10:55Z [info] Starting instance
2021-04-24T12:10:55Z [info] Configuring virtual machine
2021-04-24T12:10:55Z [info] Pulling container image
2021-04-24T12:10:56Z [info] Unpacking image
2021-04-24T12:10:56Z [info] Preparing kernel init
2021-04-24T12:10:57Z [info] Configuring firecracker
2021-04-24T12:10:57Z [info] Starting virtual machine
2021-04-24T12:10:57Z [info] Starting init (commit: 665705e)...
2021-04-24T12:10:57Z [info] Running: `docker-entrypoint.sh strapi develop` as root
2021-04-24T12:10:57Z [info] 2021/04/24 12:10:57 listening on [fdaa:0:d1:a7b:a98:4afe:1213:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2021-04-24T12:10:57Z [info] Using strapi 3.6.0
2021-04-24T12:10:57Z [info] No project found at /srv/app. Creating a new strapi project
2021-04-24T12:10:58Z [info] Creating a new Strapi application at /srv/app.
2021-04-24T12:10:59Z [info] Creating a project from the database CLI arguments.
2021-04-24T12:10:59Z [info] Creating files.
2021-04-24T12:11:02Z [info] - Installing dependencies:
2021-04-24T12:11:12Z [info] Health check status changed to 'critical'
2021-04-24T12:12:14Z [info] Shutting down virtual machine
2021-04-24T12:12:14Z [info] Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 503
2021-04-24T12:12:20Z [info] Health check status changed to 'passing'
***v0 failed - Failed due to unhealthy allocations - no stable job version to auto revert to and deploying as v1
Troubleshooting guide at https://fly.io/docs/getting-started/troubleshooting/
What is strange is I am not getting any error from the strapi app itself telling me what has or has not failed, but I suspect a missing volume attachment. Instructions about the docker strapi-docker can be found at GitHub - strapi/strapi-docker: Install and run your first Strapi project using Docker,