Our deploys have been failing for the last couple of days.
Deploys fail consistently every time with
==> Verifying app config
--> Verified app config
==> Building image
Searching for image 'registry.hub.docker.com/shieldsio/shields:next' remotely...
image found: img_8rlxp2w99l7p3jqo
==> Creating release
Error Could not find image "registry-1.docker.io/shieldsio/shields:next"
trying to run
flyctl deploy --remote-only --image registry.hub.docker.com/shieldsio/shields:next
Last known good deploy was on Jan 18th. I’ve tried to run a bunch over the last 2 days with no joy. Both triggering via a GitHub action and from my local machine. This could be a DockerHub issue but as far as I can see there are no known outages that would be affecting this.
Fly did have issues deploying from github action, see:
We may have found the issue and a workaround. It looks like sometime earlier today GitHub updated the ubuntu runner which bumped the version of BuildKit from 0.9.1 to 0.10.0 . Images built with this version of BuildKit are returning a 404 when our backend attempts to fetch the image manifest from the target registry before a deployment. This is happening for both registry.fly.io and Docker Hub.
Now, I don’t see anything in the BuildKit 0.10.0 release notes that looks related, but something chang…
But Fly seems to have since fixed it.
In the meanwhile, you can flyctl deploy --local-only ...
to get unblocked.
Thanks for the response. I can confirm that the workaround there ( version: v0.9.1
) fixed this for us.
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