I have the problem that our staging database is marked as suspended in the fly.io dashboard interface. Which I think is the reason why I get strange “ERROR: cannot execute SELECT FOR UPDATE in a read-only transaction” errors.
But I cannot get it out of it, since running “fly pg restart” results in an error:
Error: unknown platform version
And if I hit the buttons “scale” or “machines” I get a 404 in the fly.io dashboard interface. How do I get the server back.
And also: How did it end up there? If that happens to our production database, that would be bad.
And, I would have send this via E-Mail (I actually did), but I am getting this Email reponse now:
Message not delivered
Your message couldn’t be delivered to redacted@support.fly.io because the remote server is misconfigured. See technical details below for more information.
Can anyone help, or point me in the right direction?