Copy one file from AWS S3 bucket to tigris

Is it possible to copy just one file from S3 bucket to tigris? I am aware of shadow bucket functionality, but it copies everything, not just 1 file.

Hey erlan,
Is this a one-time transfer? If so, you could manually download the file from your S3 bucket and then upload it to Tigris.

We are currently using AWS S3 to store user files. User uploads a file to AWS S3 using transfer acceleration. It seems that uploading to Tigris with transfer acceleration is not supported. So, we were planning to send the file to Tigris from S3 right after the user finishes uploading his file. Downloading and uploading seems like a long process, so I was thinking maybe there is a better way. If shadow bucket stuff is possible, maybe direct transfer from S3 to Tigris is also possible?

Hi @erlan, other than using shadow buckets to migrate content from S3 to Tigris, we don’t have a way to transfer a single object from S3 to Tigris. Out of curiosity, how much speed up do you see from using transfer acceleration?

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