I’d love to use Fly to effectively create “on-demand” workers but I need the ability to clone the microVM really quickly - this seems relatively easy since we have the ability to stop a fly machine (using the machines API), but there doesn’t seem to be a way to use the stopped machine as the basis for the clone.
The current clone command, as far as I can tell, creates a completely new machine.
I’m working on a remote data pipeline POC, the idea being that I can spin up a worker and have it listen on port 3000, then stop/pause/snapshot the VM.
Then, when I have work to do I can effectively clone the snapshots and start them up (and then use their private IPs to send work to them)
Have you come across this command yet? (wasn’t sure if you were using the API. This command basically just grabs the config of one machine and uses it to create another machine)