certs not being issued with cloudflare

I know there’s a bunch of posts already on this topic. I have read through most of them.

Have been trying to get my site up and running with cloudflare for 3 days now, been setting and re-setting certs and the records. Most I’ve waited is 5 hours for the certs but still not issued. Sometimes the ECDSA will be issued but not the RSA. I’ve switched proxying on/off in cloudflare, I’ve switched up the SSL/TLS encryption mode. At a loss for what to do. My current settings:

From Let’s Debug:

Hi @abyrd ,
Is the website working with the fly.dev subdomain?
Did you try to test it with CNAME record instead of A/AAAA ?

And looks like your certificate issue is related to DNS records which are not propagated yet.

It is working on the subdomain.
When I check on dnschecker.org I don’t see any issues.

Looks like your issue is sorted out! Your site is live with SSL .

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