I’m adding the domain name through the web UI and then filing the AAAA record on my DNS provider, it’s labeled as verified on your end but I can’t access my API.
I’ve tried with 4 different domain names, 2 on Cloudflare (DNS only not proxied by them) and 2 on NameCheap basic DNS and same output, I don’t have any specific error message, just the standard “This site can’t be reached” on Chromium and “Unable to connect” on Firefox.
I really doubt it’s a problem with some allowed hostnames in my code since the “project.fly.dev” serves the app flawlessly although not mentioned anywhere in my config.
Also all flags are red on MXToolbox.
I’ve had the same problem 10 days ago FYI and just retried today with the same output.
app name : pollosapi
Would you know how to fix that ? Thanks in advance.