`category: "unknown"` in billables for an organisation

Hi there Fly.io team,

I’m writing a small utility script to ease pulling usage and cost data for my organisations, using the billables resolver under organization in your graphql API.

Here’s an example of a query I run:

	organization(name: "<organisation slug>") {
		billables(startDate: "2021-11-01", endDate: "2021-11-30") {
			nodes {
				app {

and here’s an example of an object in the output array:

  "app": {
    "name": "<app-name>"
  "category": "vm",
  "product": "micro-1x",
  "quantity": 2505622.237516,
  "time": "2021-11-01T00:00:00Z"

So far enumerating stuff has been fairly straightforward, but I came across a weird object in November’s array, it looks like below:

  "app": {
    "name": "REDACTED"
  "category": "vm",
  "product": "unknown",
  "quantity": -22997441.516189,
  "time": "2021-11-11T00:00:00Z"

At first I thought this was how y’all do the free-tier deduction, but looking in the other months I don’t see this entry.

This caught my eye because due to it, November’s total vm time became negative, but looking at the actual Stripe bill we were charged, we definitely had a positive amount charged for November for the vm line item so I’m curious if you can help shed some light on this.

Also please do let me know if I should be using another resolver instead of this one, I got this from here


Sorry to bump, but I’m a bit stuck here, I checked today and the object with the negative quantity is still there in November’s usage array.

If I’m not suppose to be using this resolver, do let me know, I’ll drop this approach. but otherwise, I’m really curious about this unknown product that has such a big negative amount.