Can't redeploy (max number of machines)

I can’t deploy new builds to, like many others have mentioned: 1, 2, 3.

Error: failed to update VM REDACTED: You have reached the maximum number of machines for this app.

To unlock more features please add credit to your org (using an admin account) from your billing page:

Sign In · Fly

Or contact us at and we’ll take a closer look at your account. (Request ID: REDACTED)

I sent an email to billing, but is there any other way to bump this and get some action? I have my credit card on my account and $25 of credits.

Support finally got back to me and removed the anti-fraud block on my account.

If there’s an automated anti-fraud system, there really should be a faster method of escalation to resolve it. I went about 60 hours from the first rejected deploy to the block being lifted.

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