Can't connect to postgres app using [Fly pg connect -a app-name] command


It seems to be impossible to connect to my database-clone app.

fly pg connect -a database-clone
Connecting to fdaa:0:5a61:a7b:276d:e5aa:6179:2... complete
Error: error connecting to SSH server: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

Am running this version

fly version
flyctl v0.2.13 linux/amd64 Commit: e21c6bbacf70848c49c0c5dafa741ae1a3cf845c BuildDate: 2024-03-08T13:21:06Z

Hi… Try fly logs -a database-clone right after this happens again; that typically reveals more details about why authentication failed.

Hope this helps!

Hi @mayailurus

This is what am getting as my log’s

2024-03-08T13:37:02Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 13:37:02 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]
2024-03-08T13:37:45Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 13:37:45 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]
2024-03-08T13:39:46Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 13:39:46 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]
2024-03-08T13:42:19Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 13:42:19 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]
2024-03-08T13:46:40Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 13:46:40 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]
2024-03-08T13:46:48Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 13:46:48 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]
2024-03-08T13:47:11Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 13:47:11 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]
2024-03-08T14:09:06Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 14:09:06 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]
2024-03-08T14:16:09Z app[4d89026c34e487] lhr [info]2024/03/08 14:16:09 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, ssh: unsupported critical option "" in certificate]

Thanks for the details… This has happened before—and seems related to a flyctl change back in December.

Maybe try restarting that server, to see if it gets a newer version of hallpass?

Thanks @mayailurus for the help ,
But after executing the above suggestion am still facing the same problem.

Sorry that didn’t pan out… Are you able to SSH successfully into other machines? (fly ssh console, after fly m start.)

Also, what does it say in fly status -a database-clone—particularly in the way of image versions?