Can't authenticate prometheus API

I have triple checked my org slug and token but always get:
something went wrong resolving organization error

curl -X POST “$ORG_SLUG/api/v1/query
–data-urlencode ‘query=sum(increase(fly_edge_http_responses_count)) by (app, status)’
-H “Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN”

Trying to set up on grafana cloud and getting 401 and debugging with curl

token seems to be valid

❯ fly tokens debug  $TOKEN
    "location": "",
    "caveats": [
        "type": "Organization",
        "body": {
          "id": 910942,
          "mask": "rwcdC"
        "type": "3P",
        "body": {
          "Location": "",

I ran into this issue very recently, the docs are wrong. Fly is making some changes to how their tokens are created / work, and it seems like something got broken. To fix your issue try removing the "Bearer " portion of your header. Fly tokens now include "FlyV1 " at the start which is the new authorization scheme. Hope this helps!

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Thanks so much. It tried everything but the obvious and I actually know about authorization headers. cheers!

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