Can't add payment method

I’m being shown the banner “Add a payment method to keep using our platform”, but when I click on it, I’m being taken to a page that says “Get Started” (see picture) but there is no way to continue or to add a payment method on that site.

hi @chris-fly

Can you click on the Hobby Plan box? That might get you into the payment flow.

Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately not.
I can click on the links in the navigation bar at the top, and on all the boxes below “plan includes”, but nothing is selectable in hobby plan.

When I run a js query to get all the links on the site Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a")).map(({href}) => href)
there is no link that would let me continue the process.

OK, the “time to level up” makes it seem you need to add the plan, but if you have a new account, then you’re already on that plan. (I’ll bring this up internally for improvement :))

If you click on Dashboard, then Billing (left menu), then Manage Billing, you’ll be taken to Stripe where you can add your card info.

When I go to Billing, there is no option for “Manage Billing”. There is however a button saying “Add credit card”. But when I click on it, i’m being taken again to the “Get started” screen from the first screenshot.

oh no! I’m sorry about this loop you’re stuck in. I’ll look into it. We’ve been updating billing and this is def a bug. :beetle:

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