Cannot fly ssh console.

$  fly ssh console
> Error ssh: can't build tunnel for [org_name]: error fetching dialer: establish failed: err err handling establish: can't get wireguard state for [org_name]: name must consist solely of letters, numbers, and the dash character

Any ideas?

Could you clarify the org name that this app is on? The error indicates there’s a problem with it, trying to see it’s invalid or missing. You can see this with fly orgs list.

You can also try fly ssh console -s? That should show you an instance selector, do you see the same error there?

Sure, org name and slug is bradleyg.

I also had the same problem using the personal org, and thought that might be the problem, which led me to creating the bradleyg org to test my theory.

This also led me to this issue, which then looks like affects fly orgs list.

$ fly orgs list
> Error Cannot return null for non-nullable field Queries.personalOrganization

That’s really weird, it seems more like that CLI is out of touch somehow. Could you do a fly version update to make sure you’re on the latest, and maybe a fly auth logout and fly auth login to rule out a token problem?

@bradley.griffiths make sure you’re on the latest flyctl as @sudhir.j suggested, then remove the ~/.fly/config.yml file to start clean.

So, after digging into this a little bit, it looks like might be a problem with Github Codespaces (or its Docker image). To recreate:

  1. Visit superfly/flyctl and create a new Codespace.
  2. Open a new terminal
  3. $ make
  4. $ ./bin/flyctl auth login
  5. $ ./bin/flyctl ssh console -a [app_name]
> Error ssh: can't build tunnel for bradleyg: error fetching dialer: establish failed: err err handling establish: can't get wireguard state for bradleyg: name must consist solely of letters, numbers, and the dash character

Apologies for the run around. For now I’ll run another Docker image inside Codespaces to run fly commands, which seems to work fine.