Cannot connect to newly created Upstash Redis - "Not authorized"

I am new to working with Redis. Specifically, I’m building a node app with and trying to use the Redis adapter to scale to multiple servers. I have tested the app using a local instance of Redis and it seems to be working fine.

I’ve followed these instructions and can see my newly created database in the dashboard and when running flyctl redis list.

However, attempts to connect or see the status of this database are met with Error: input:18: Not authorized to access this firecrackerapp

Obviously, fly-cli is authorized on my machine, and I don’t see any other places where I would be able to provide authentication e.g. isn’t this embedded in the address? redis://

Thanks in advance for your help.

Thanks for the report. This is a bug recently introduced to flyctl. The next release will fix it. I’ll post here when that’s ready.

UPDATE: This has been fixed, but without the need to release a new flyctl.

I’m also getting this.

[ioredis] Unhandled error event: MaxRetriesPerRequestError: Reached the max retries per request limit (which is 20). Refer to "maxRetriesPerRequest" option for details.
2023-07-15T10:34:03.489 app[1781573c60e689] ams [info] at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:107:26)

2023-07-15T10:34:05.501 app[1781573c60e689] ams [info] [ioredis] Unhandled error event: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

Appears to be working fine on my end now. Thanks!

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