can I pause my app so I stop getting charged?

I have an application that has a database layer, can I run a command to pause the app so I stop getting charged ?

Hi… There isn’t a single command that does this, but typically you can pare your monthly bill down to the point where it’s only storage and stopped-machine fees, totaling <$1/month. (And this in turn usually means that will waive the invoice entirely—although you shouldn’t count on that part.)

All the way down to zero is often possible, too, but that results in a lot more work when eventually starting things back up—since the database has necessarily been reduced to a dump file stored offline…

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The charge on stopped machines is so low that, in my view, it’s not worth scaling them to zero. Just stop them and start them again when you want to use them.

There is also a suspend mode, though I assume suspended machines are charged at the same price as running ones.

So yes, there’s a command for this. If the console command is suited to your use-case, do flyctl machine stop <machineid>. Or use the RESTful API.

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