Best practices for dynamically spinning up apps on behalf of our end users

Hello Fly folks, I’m trying to understand if my use case is supported and what the best practices are.

What I’m trying to do

We have a product that makes it very easy to create Node.js apps + SPA frontends locally. We want to create a cloud-hosted version where users can deploy these apps through our service with one click of a button. I am investigating if I can use Fly as the backend where we deploy these apps (seems way more fun than AWS :).

TLDR: we want to deploy N small apps dynamically on behalf of our users.

What I want to know

  1. Is this a supported use case?
  2. What, if any, limits are there? Can we spin up tens of 1000s of apps? More? Is there a ceiling?
  3. Are there recommended ways to handle billing in these cases? If each end-user app is also a Fly app, is there an API where I can get the billing details for each app individually?
  4. What other challenges or gotchyas should I be aware of for this use case?

Rough architecture plan

Does the following sound right? Are there best practices I’m missing?

  1. We create a Fly app in our Fly organization for each app created by one of our end-users.
  2. The Fly app has its own custom network to be isolated from other end-user apps (later, we can also assign custom domains to these apps)
  3. We can spin up N machines or other resources under this app, though most deployments will probably have the lowest tier shared CPU etc to start. We autoscale it to 0 when it’s not in use to avoid consuming unused resources and reduce charges.
  4. We charge our end-users by adding up the cost of all the apps they deployed.
  5. We use the REST API to implement the above programmatically

Anything else I should know?

Thank you :pray:

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