Hello I want to get machine or apps logs using API
insterd of using
fly logs -a Myapp
if possible streaming the logs output would be amazing to show users the status of there app whats happining
Hello I want to get machine or apps logs using API
insterd of using
fly logs -a Myapp
if possible streaming the logs output would be amazing to show users the status of there app whats happining
we use NATS for logs streaming:
For older logs we use quickwit tho, you could look at your organization grafana to check how it’s done by inspecting the panels (maybe even the browser console).
hey thanks for the reply I have gone through this but its saying we need to run the nats in our machine but how can i do that i am using api to create a machine here is my sample code
def update_streamlit_code(new_code, dependencies=None):
"""Update the Streamlit app code in the deployed machine"""
list_url = f"{FLY_API_HOSTNAME}/v1/apps/{APP_NAME}/machines"
install_cmd = install_dependencies(dependencies)
# First, get the current machine
response = requests.get(list_url, headers=headers)
machines = response.json()
if not machines:
print("No machines found for the app")
return False
machine_id = machines[0]['id']
print(f"Using machine ID: {machine_id}")
# Suspend the machine before updating
suspend_url = f"{FLY_API_HOSTNAME}/v1/apps/{APP_NAME}/machines/{machine_id}/suspend"
print(f"Suspending machine {machine_id}...")
suspend_response = requests.post(suspend_url, headers=headers)
# Wait for the machine to be suspended
max_suspend_attempts = 20
suspend_attempt = 0
while suspend_attempt < max_suspend_attempts:
status_response = requests.get(f"{FLY_API_HOSTNAME}/v1/apps/{APP_NAME}/machines/{machine_id}", headers=headers)
if status_response.status_code == 200:
status = status_response.json().get('state', '')
print(f"Machine status: {status}")
if status == 'suspended':
suspend_attempt += 1
if suspend_attempt >= max_suspend_attempts:
print("Timeout waiting for machine to suspend")
return False
# Get the current configuration
current_config = machines[0]['config']
# Base64 encode the new code
encoded_code = base64.b64encode(new_code.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
print("Code encoded successfully")
# Prepare the update configuration
update_config = {
"config": {
"image": "registry.fly.io/ssss",
"env": {
"PORT": "8505"
"files": [
"guest_path": "/app/streamlit_app.py",
"raw_value": encoded_code # Use base64 encoded content
"services": [
"ports": [
"port": 443,
"handlers": ["tls", "http"]
"port": 80,
"handlers": ["http"]
"protocol": "tcp",
"internal_port": 8505,
"autostop": "suspend",
"autostart": True
"processes": [
"cmd": [
f"{install_cmd} && streamlit run streamlit_app.py --server.port=8505 --server.address="
# Update the specific machine
update_url = f"{FLY_API_HOSTNAME}/v1/apps/{APP_NAME}/machines/{machine_id}"
print(f"Updating machine {machine_id}...")
response = requests.post(update_url, headers=headers, json=update_config)
print(f"Response status code: {response.status_code}")
print(f"Response body: {response.text}")
# Wait for the machine to start
print("Waiting for machine to restart...")
max_attempts = 20
attempt = 0
while attempt < max_attempts:
status_response = requests.get(update_url, headers=headers)
if status_response.status_code == 200:
status = status_response.json().get('state', '')
print(f"Machine status: {status}")
if status == 'started':
# Wait a bit to ensure the machine is fully ready
attempt += 1
if attempt >= max_attempts:
print("Timeout waiting for machine to restart")
return False
return True
It’s quite easy and fun tbh
Then you can listen to logs as if you’re inside an app running in fly.io
You can use a NATS library in python to connect to it more easily.
hey thanks I was able to receive logs this are the the steps i have followed and for the users who wants to try it
fly wireguard create
fly wireguard create personal iad test test.conf
wg-quick up test.conf
ping6 _api.internal -c4
./nats sub "logs.>" --server 'nats://[DNS]:4223' --user personal --password "FlyV *************"
so the we are gettign the logs of each machine of that region is it possible to get logs of all the region ?
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