Hi folks! If you are using the terraform provider, I would highly recommend switching to the latest version: v0.0.12. There are a whole bunch of bug fixes and convenience changes that should make it a whole lot easier to use with machines and also much more stable. To quote from the release log:
- Fixes mutating machines with auto generated names
- Adds ability to create machines without services
- Adds partial Config.Init field support for machines
- Adds machine lease support
- A bunch of stability updates and error handling
- Plus a bunch of new tests in test suite
But in general, this update is the first in a series of upates that are changing how the provider works under the hood and bringing it close to feature complete. Without going into to much of the nitty gritty, these changes will make it easier to finally make other tools like Pulumi happen as well. Please let me know if anyone experiences any problems, or has any questions!
Watch out for more updates soon!