Access deployed nodejs app

I am unable to access a nodejs app that was deployed successfully.

curl: (35) LibreSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to

Are there any other steps to access the nodejs app?

Apps sometimes need time for their certificates to be issued. It looks like yours is ready now!

I am still not able to access the application. The application has no certificate added to it. I wonder if adding a * wildcard cert would get it working. I want to move away from Heroku but my initial experience has been disappointing. I will delete the app and try creating it again.

I have deleted and recreated the app and I still can’t access the app. I wonder what I am doing wrong?

I can see that you have two deleted apps with that name. Can you please share your fly.toml and recent logs here?

Did your app had IP addresses shown on dashboard?

@lubien I just tried recreating the app and it worked. Thank you all for the support.

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