X-Tigris-Regions does not work

I used the request header X-Tigris-Regions: sin during the PUT operation, but the response header during the download always shows X-Tigris-Regions: hkg. In actual tests, the latency performance of sin is significantly better than that of hkg.

Why is it that even though I set the region during the PUT operation and also configured the Regions to sin in the Bucket Settings, the response always comes from hkg?
Is it due to Object Caching Function?

Tigris behaves like a Content Delivery Network (CDN) with no work on your part. Unlike traditional CDNs, though, it handles dynamic data in a way that provides strong guarantees around freshness of data.

Tigris transparently caches the objects close to the user to provide low-latency access. The region chosen for caching the objects depends on the request pattern from the users. Objects stored in San Jose but requested frequently from Sydney will result in getting cached in the Sydney region. Caching is provided through a distributed global caching layer with cache nodes deployed in regions globally. This ensures that user requests can be served from the region closest to the user.

Object caching requires no configuration and is enabled by default on all buckets.

How can I ensure that the response always comes from the fixed region sin?

this is my bucket setting: it’s not working

It is not expected, let us take a look at it. Could you share your bucket name? You can share that info to help@tigrisdata.com

Sure! I have sent an email to help@tigrisdata.com.

Sure! I have sent an email to help@tigrisdata.com.

Thanks, we will take a look.

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