write vsock vm(3):10100->host(2):1073742493: i/o timeout

We’ve been having problems with Fly for a few weeks now.
Our machines just stop. There were other problems that we’ve been optimizing, but now I can’t figure out what’s causing the error. I checked the Grafana logs and saw this message:

2025/01/25 11:26:14 json error: write vsock vm(3):10100->host(2):1073742493: i/o timeout

This started happening after we changed the IAD region to EWR, but I don’t know if the problem is related to that, however, even without changing the code, our machines started to show this type of failure.

Every day, I have to stop and start the machine again.

Can someone help?

I´m getting another error sometimes:

2025/01/25 12:41:24 json error: write vsock vm(3):10100->host(2):1073742219: broken pipe

Just chiming in to say that I am experiencing a similar problem. I have audio streaming to a Discord voice channel, and occasionally the stream will completely break down and eventually result in a similar error:

2025/01/28 20:29:53 json error: write vsock vm(3):10100->host(2):1073747851: broken pipe

It seems likely that this is an issue with Fly.

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