What connection info to use for Beekeeper Studio?

I use Beekeeper Studio and am trying to connect to the Postgres database I just created with Fly.io. Beekeeper requires the following information to connect to a database:

  • Host
  • Port
  • User
  • Password
  • Default Database

After creating the database, I got the following info in the command line:

  • “Postgres cluster calibration-training-db created”
  • Username
  • Password
  • Hostname
  • Proxy Port
  • PG Port

Then on my application page (Sign In · Fly) I am seeing:

  • Hostname
  • VM size
  • Memory
  • CPU cores
  • IP addresses (I have none)

The port, user and password I’m pretty sure I have correct. I’ve tried various combinations for the other two but nothing has worked so far. What should I be using?