WARNING: The app is listening on the incorrect address

Can you share your fly.toml file?

BTW, In the Monitor section of fly.io site, the log says this “[info] 2023/05/18 00:58:58 listening on [fdaa:0:b0da:a7b:7d16:3703:6696:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)” I don’t know where that comes from or what it points to.

We(flyio) run an internal DNS server for you, so you can easily access your other apps using cool domain names like <app>.internal and <app>.flycast. Read more on this here and here.

/.fly/hallpass | [fdaa:0:…:a7b:113:98ac:2401:2]:22

We(flyio) run an ssh server in your VM, that’s what allows you to securely do fly ssh console (fly ssh console · Fly Docs)

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