Hi there! I’m not sure if it’s a visual bug but just wanted to confirm…I have several volumes for regions of lax, sea, and sjc. These should be attached to machines in those regions. When I list, I see:
What’s weird is that one of those LAX volumes should be connected to one of my running machines in that region. When I list machines, you’ll see that vol_nv818z1xp8069plr is attached to the lax machine. So I’m curious as to why it isn’t reflected in the volumes list command?
I think this is a little strange also, but I think it may be for a reason.
The volumes are selected based on the name, so you have a pool of volumes with the same name.
I think maybe the machine tries to request the same volume (hence the refence).
But if you spun up a new machine after destroying the machine (not the volume connected too it), the volume would automatically connect to the new machine as a available volume of that name.
Make sense? So i think in this sense, because only 2 machines are spun up, only 2 are attached. At least this was my interpertation seeing the UI. Could also be a bug.