For LiteFS, we have plans to make a real-time backup service available in the near future. The current focus is on stability and usability of LiteFS but after that we’ll be working on the backup service.
I’ve been meaning to come up with a small demo. Or at least throw some notes together to point you in the right direction. If I don’t get back to you by Wednesday with at least some notes bug me again. Or bug Ben out of band and he can bug me
If you’re not doing anything too serious, consider using SQLite (LiteFS?) for blob storage as well. Dr. Hipp once revealed that Adobe found opening PDFs from SQLite was faster than accessing them via the filesystem. So, perhaps, it is okay to use for it serious storage workloads, too?
nb: Object stores are very different to typical file-based storage systems or even block-based drives: (source).
One key piece of information is that MinIO therefore requires using sequentially-numbered hostnames to represent each minio server process in the deployment.
for example, in a three node deployment the nodes would have to have the following hostname structure,, This can be accomplished in the usual ways but let me know if you have any questions about the dns setup.
I haven’t had any time to test this out but I hope this is helpful in pointing you in the right directions. Feel free to ping me with any more questions, I’m personally very interested in seeing what kind of setup you end up with. I just pinged you on discord if you want to chat there as well