Using to generate a GraphQL API for my Postgres

Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 8.32.20 PM

I am trying to get the database name and correct hostname/ip to get the schema of my postgres db that fly is hosting.

Would love some feedback and insight…maybe devii has to be added to some other way via the “Apps” section perhaps?

The goal is to be able to create a GraphQL API for the fly databases (mysql, postres…as long as it is sql, it generally just works).


You’re likely wanting this: External Connections · Fly Docs

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Woohoo! I am now the proud owner of a GraphQL API for my Fly Postgres.

The External Connections was exactly where I needed to go. I first needed to get a dedicated IP address (which makes sense) and then it just worked.

  • Display Name: [user created tenant label]
  • Database Name: [not postgres; not repmgr…the other database name in your set of three]
  • Environment: [doesn’t matter for connecting; this is just some tag to label tenants as dev or prod]
  • Hostname: [the name of your fly postgres application: [mydatabasename]]

I also created a database admin user so as not to use the postgres --connecting my Fly postgres to pgadmin was straightforward (first logged in with default user: postgres and pwd: OPERATOR_PASSWORD and went from there).

Thanks for guiding me @atridad

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Glad I could help! :purple_heart:

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