Updating litefs.yml lease consul key resets my data

Hi… Changing the Consul key doesn’t remove existing /litefs/db rows; I verified this myself this afternoon. It sounds like you may instead be in the related situation of unknowingly having LiteFS’s internal bookkeeping writes (/var/lib/litefs) fall outside of the persistent volume completely.

(Thus, it’s that entire portion of the filesystem that’s being reset, :dragon:—regardless of Consul settings.)

This is confusing initially—and all admit that it is—due to the presence of three different persistent stores that need to align:

typical location purpose
LiteFS FUSE mount /litefs/ web application writes and reads here
LiteFS internal storage /var/lib/litefs/ never mess with this directly (!)
Consul key-value pairs (invisible cluster) managed by Fly.io

What do you have yourself, for the first two settings?