I ran into an issue where a prisma schema update caused deployments to fail on my live database. Whenever I deployed, I would get an infinite repeat of the following logs:
level=INFO msg="cannot find primary, retrying: no primary"
level=INFO msg="cannot become primary, local node has no cluster ID and \"consul\" lease already initialized"
The problem is that whenever I deploy now I have to update the lease consul key in my litefs.yml file. Changing this value resets my live database so any new accounts created or data uploaded is gone.
How can I fix this so that I don’t get the infinite cannot find primary logs, but also don’t have to reset my data with every deployment?
Hi… Changing the Consul key doesn’t remove existing /litefs/db rows; I verified this myself this afternoon. It sounds like you may instead be in the related situation of unknowingly having LiteFS’s internal bookkeeping writes (/var/lib/litefs) fall outside of the persistent volume completely.
(Thus, it’s that entire portion of the filesystem that’s being reset, —regardless of Consul settings.)
This is confusing initially—and all admit that it is—due to the presence of three different persistent stores that need to align:
typical location
LiteFS FUSE mount
web application writes and reads here
LiteFS internal storage
never mess with this directly (!)
Consul key-value pairs
(invisible cluster)
managed by Fly.io
What do you have yourself, for the first two settings?
I’m honestly not really sure where to find my LiteFS FUSE mount or my LiteFS internal storage. Can you help direct me? Here is my other/litefs.yml file for reference though:
# Required. This is the mount directory that applications will
# use to access their SQLite databases.
dir: '/app/data/sqlite'
# Path to internal data storage.
dir: '/app/data/litefs'
# matches the internal_port in fly.toml
addr: ':${INTERNAL_PORT}'
target: 'localhost:${PORT}'
# The lease section specifies how the cluster will be managed. We're using the
# "consul" lease type so that our application can dynamically change the primary.
# These environment variables will be available in your Fly.io application.
type: 'consul'
promote: true
advertise-url: 'http://${HOSTNAME}.vm.${FLY_APP_NAME}.internal:20202'
url: '${FLY_CONSUL_URL}'
key: 'litefs/${FLY_APP_NAME}-nex-1'
- cmd: node ./other/setup-swap.js
- cmd: npx prisma migrate deploy
if-candidate: true
- cmd: npm start