unspecified DNS error

I recently launch this app for testing. I am new to fly.io

I am also getting this DNS error when both visiting the site or trying to deploy a change.

restarting the pg does not work…

mathieu:go_out_nearby :-( 1 (main) $ fly checks list -a go-out-nearby
Health Checks for go-out-nearby
  NAME                             | STATUS  | ALLOCATION | REGION | TYPE | LAST UPDATED         | OUTPUT                                     
  3df2415693844068640885b45074b954 | passing | c1ba19a2   | nrt    | TCP  | 2023-02-03T19:11:51Z | TCP connect Success[✓]  
                                   |         |            |        |      |                      |                                            
                                   |         |            |        |      |                      |                                            
mathieu:go_out_nearby :-) (main) $ fly pg restart -a go-out-nearby
Error app go-out-nearby is not a postgres app

mathieu:go_out_nearby :-( 1 (main) $ fly pg restart -a go-out-nearby-db
Error no active leader found

mathieu:go_out_nearby :-( 1 (main) $ fly checks list -a go-out-nearby-db
Health Checks for go-out-nearby-db
  NAME | STATUS  | MACHINE        | LAST UPDATED | OUTPUT                     
  pg   | warning | 1781775c922989 | 0s           | waiting for status update  
  role | warning | 1781775c922989 | 0s           | waiting for status update  
  vm   | warning | 1781775c922989 | just now     | waiting for status update  
mathieu:go_out_nearby :-) (main) $ 

Update: I think I found my answer…

TL:DR - pg is crashed and not managed… so I need to fix myself… OMG