UDP connectivity dead?


As of a few minutes ago, we’ve had UDP packets through Fly intermittently die - at least in the UK. This occurred previously below and it seems to be the same thing again:


Is anyone else affected? We’re proxying DNS.

It now appears to have returned as of 2 minutes ago.

UDP, as a protocol, is susceptible to drops by design. So one cannot realistically expect it to always work at the internet scale. Prolonged UDP dropouts may point to problems with network though.

I think that those facts are widely known and understood, but maybe someone has high expectations regarding UDP. It’s always better to have a TCP fallback in place.

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Just because UDP doesn’t hold a connection, doesn’t mean that it’s ‘designed’ to have continuous drops that affect the program in use. If this was the case, online gaming would not be a thing. This was a prolonged outage at the UDP proxy layer Fly runs, it lasted around 40 minutes and completely killed UDP connectivity.


We’re seeing this outage again, is anyone else having this issue? TCP Fallback for DNS does not work for us for some reason, not sure why:

  internal_port = 53
  protocol = "udp"

    port = "53"

  internal_port = 53
  protocol = "tcp"

    port = "53"

EDIT: Came back now, lasted 6 minutes.

Are you deploying a new version of your app? I’ve noticed that I usually can’t connect to my UDP app for a few minutes after it boots up.

Unfortunately not, these are running dnsdist apps that have been going for about a year and just randomly start timing out. I have two clusters with different Fly regions, and they both go down at the same time which I believe is because of how the Fly UDP proxy works, and then it doesn’t failover to TCP for some reason.