These lines appeared in the log AFTER I got the first, working version deployed and AFTER I commented out the root “rails/welcome#index” line and replaced it with root “names#index” line and then I did this again after I changed that one line: fly deploy. Logged stuff after I changed that one line in the code and then ran fly deploy again:
2022-12-09T04:44:47.375 app[1de29083] yyz [info] I, [2022-12-09T04:44:47.375550 #531] INFO – : [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] Started GET “/” for at 2022-12-09 04:44:47 +0000
2022-12-09T04:44:47.381 app[1de29083] yyz [info] I, [2022-12-09T04:44:47.380917 #531] INFO – : [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] Processing by NamesController#index as HTML
2022-12-09T04:44:47.425 app[1de29083] yyz [info] I, [2022-12-09T04:44:47.425453 #531] INFO – : [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] Rendered names/index.html.erb within layouts/application (Duration: 35.0ms | Allocations: 9449)
2022-12-09T04:44:47.425 app[1de29083] yyz [info] I, [2022-12-09T04:44:47.425625 #531] INFO – : [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 35.5ms | Allocations: 9511)
2022-12-09T04:44:47.426 app[1de29083] yyz [info] I, [2022-12-09T04:44:47.425975 #531] INFO – : [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 45ms (ActiveRecord: 6.8ms | Allocations: 11740)
2022-12-09T04:44:47.427 app[1de29083] yyz [info] F, [2022-12-09T04:44:47.426913 #531] FATAL – : [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c]
2022-12-09T04:44:47.427 app[1de29083] yyz [info] [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `new_name_path’ for #ActionView::Base:0x00000000007968):
2022-12-09T04:44:47.427 app[1de29083] yyz [info] [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] 24:
2022-12-09T04:44:47.427 app[1de29083] yyz [info] [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] 25:
2022-12-09T04:44:47.427 app[1de29083] yyz [info] [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] 26:
2022-12-09T04:44:47.427 app[1de29083] yyz [info] [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] 27: <%= link_to ‘New Name’, new_name_path %>
2022-12-09T04:44:47.427 app[1de29083] yyz [info] [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c]
2022-12-09T04:44:47.427 app[1de29083] yyz [info] [a6d598ab-875a-407e-8827-c454956cb03c] app/views/names/index.html.erb:27