This site cant be reached. ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

Hello everyone, I’m new to this community but i also did my best to check every possible post about the issue i encounter but no lock so i came here :slight_smile:

My app was running ok and i was able to access it. But after the second deploy nothing was changed as long as the settings wise i could not get pass ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. health check are fine, deploys are successful but here what i’m running…


2022-12-24T23:19:38.086 runner[f2a26349] ams [info] Starting instance

2022-12-24T23:19:38.336 runner[75807b79] ams [info] Starting instance

2022-12-24T23:19:39.536 runner[f2a26349] ams [info] Configuring virtual machine

2022-12-24T23:19:39.540 runner[f2a26349] ams [info] Pulling container image

2022-12-24T23:19:41.672 runner[f2a26349] ams [info] Unpacking image

2022-12-24T23:19:41.818 runner[75807b79] ams [info] Unpacking image

2022-12-24T23:19:41.956 runner[f2a26349] ams [info] Preparing kernel init

2022-12-24T23:19:42.131 runner[75807b79] ams [info] Preparing kernel init

2022-12-24T23:19:42.362 runner[f2a26349] ams [info] Configuring firecracker

2022-12-24T23:19:42.533 runner[75807b79] ams [info] Configuring firecracker

2022-12-24T23:19:42.559 runner[f2a26349] ams [info] Starting virtual machine

2022-12-24T23:19:42.842 app[f2a26349] ams [info] Starting init (commit: f447594)...

2022-12-24T23:19:42.880 app[f2a26349] ams [info] Preparing to run: `celery -A telegram_scraper_project worker -l INFO` as root

2022-12-24T23:19:42.918 app[f2a26349] ams [info] 2022/12/24 23:19:42 listening on [fdaa:1:116f:a7b:c6ef:f2a2:6349:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)

2022-12-24T23:19:42.931 app[75807b79] ams [info] Preparing to run: `gunicorn telegram_scraper_project.wsgi --log-level info` as root

2022-12-24T23:19:42.976 app[75807b79] ams [info] 2022/12/24 23:19:42 listening on [fdaa:1:116f:a7b:c988:7580:7b79:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)

2022-12-24T23:19:43.803 app[75807b79] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:19:43 +0000] [520] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0

2022-12-24T23:19:43.807 app[75807b79] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:19:43 +0000] [525] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 525

2022-12-24T23:19:45.968 app[f2a26349] ams [info] /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/celery/ SecurityWarning: You're running the worker with superuser privileges: this is

2022-12-24T23:19:45.968 app[f2a26349] ams [info] absolutely not recommended!

2022-12-24T23:19:45.968 app[f2a26349] ams [info] Please specify a different user using the --uid option.

2022-12-24T23:19:45.968 app[f2a26349] ams [info] User information: uid=0 euid=0 gid=0 egid=0

2022-12-24T23:19:45.968 app[f2a26349] ams [info] warnings.warn(SecurityWarning(ROOT_DISCOURAGED.format(

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] -------------- celery@f2a26349 v5.2.7 (dawn-chorus)

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] --- ***** -----

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] -- ******* ---- Linux-5.12.2-x86_64-with-glibc2.31 2022-12-24 23:19:46

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] - *** --- * ---

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] - ** ---------- [config]

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] - ** ---------- .> app: telegram_scraper_project:0x7fc26966b190

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] - ** ---------- .> transport: redis://default:**

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] - ** ---------- .> results:

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] - *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 1 (prefork)

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] -- ******* ---- .> task events: OFF (enable -E to monitor tasks in this worker)

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] --- ***** -----

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] -------------- [queues]

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] .> celery exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] [tasks]

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] . telegram_scraper_project.celery.debug_task

2022-12-24T23:19:46.031 app[f2a26349] ams [info] . threat_intelligence.tasks.hunt

2022-12-24T23:19:46.317 app[f2a26349] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:19:46,315: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to redis://default:**

2022-12-24T23:19:46.421 app[f2a26349] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:19:46,420: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors

2022-12-24T23:19:46.583 app[0ddc0135] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:19:46,583: INFO/MainProcess] sync with celery@f2a26349

2022-12-24T23:19:47.721 app[f2a26349] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:19:47,720: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: sync with 1 nodes

2022-12-24T23:19:47.721 app[f2a26349] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:19:47,721: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: sync complete

2022-12-24T23:19:48.070 app[f2a26349] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:19:48,068: INFO/MainProcess] celery@f2a26349 ready.

2022-12-24T23:20:08.376 runner[7795c2fd] ams [info] Shutting down virtual machine

2022-12-24T23:20:08.379 runner[0ddc0135] ams [info] Shutting down virtual machine

2022-12-24T23:20:08.484 app[7795c2fd] ams [info] Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 520

2022-12-24T23:20:08.485 app[7795c2fd] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:20:08 +0000] [520] [INFO] Handling signal: int

2022-12-24T23:20:08.535 app[0ddc0135] ams [info] Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 520

2022-12-24T23:20:08.536 app[0ddc0135] ams [info] worker: Hitting Ctrl+C again will terminate all running tasks!

2022-12-24T23:20:08.536 app[0ddc0135] ams [info] worker: Warm shutdown (MainProcess)

2022-12-24T23:20:08.590 app[7795c2fd] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:20:08 +0000] [525] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 525)

2022-12-24T23:20:08.690 app[7795c2fd] ams [info] [2022-12-24 23:20:08 +0000] [520] [INFO] Shutting down: Master

2022-12-24T23:20:08.854 app[7795c2fd] ams [info] Starting clean up.

2022-12-24T23:20:10.886 app[0ddc0135] ams [info] Starting clean up. 


# fly.toml file generated for threathunter on 2022-12-25T00:26:31+03:00

app = "threathunter"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5

  PORT = "8000" 

  web = "gunicorn telegram_scraper_project.wsgi --log-level 'info'"
  worker = "celery -A telegram_scraper_project worker -l INFO"

  allowed_public_ports = []
  auto_rollback = true

  internal_port = 8000
  processes = ["app"]
  protocol = "tcp"
  script_checks = []
    hard_limit = 25
    soft_limit = 20
    type = "connections"

    force_https = true
    handlers = ["http"]
    port = 80

    handlers = ["tls", "http"]
    port = 443

    grace_period = "1s"
    interval = "15s"
    restart_limit = 0
    timeout = "2s"
    interval = 10000
    grace_period = "5s"
    method = "get"
    path = "/"
    protocol = "http"
    restart_limit = 0
    timeout = 2000
    tls_skip_verify = false


pull official base image

FROM python:3.10.6

set work directory

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

set environment variables


create the app directory - and switch to it

RUN mkdir -p /app

install dependencies

COPY requirements.txt /tmp/requirements.txt
RUN set -ex &&
pip install --upgrade pip &&
pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt &&
rm -rf /root/.cache/

copy project

COPY . /app/

expose port 8000


CMD [“gunicorn”, “–bind”, “:8000”, “–workers”, “2”, “telegram_scraper_project.wsgi:application”]

So what do you think i’m doing wrong?

1 Like

I’m experiencing the same issue and also using Django.

Given web is the main app process, change the services section to reflect that:

   internal_port = 8000
-  processes = ["app"]
+  processes = ["web"]
   protocol = "tcp"

Not sure if this is the only issue, but just a wild guess from the information shared here.