The New Launch

Sorry the experience has been a bit lackluster for you.

First thing’s first: are you trying to deploy an app written with a framework we recognize and have special handling for (e.g. rails)? This will help me debug the postgres issue, that definitely shouldn’t be happening!

Our rationale for moving to a web-based Launch UI is that the existing setup process was getting to be a bit cumbersome. You get this huge list of questions you have to answer, with no indication of how many are remaining, and if you mess something up you have to restart from scratch. We could make some of this better from the command line, but honestly, it’s an uphill battle making the interactive UX good here. That’s the thinking that led us to the web form here: love it or hate it, the web’s pretty optimized for data entry (and validation, and accessibility).

And honestly, guessing if I want to make the new project personal or part of an organization is really nonsensical. At least that should have been left as a choice when running fly launch.

Hmm, we can probably make this better, but we’ll have to see if it impedes the flow of the average launch. Thanks for the feedback!

Please do note that you can still launch an app entirely from the command line. It’s doesn’t ask you questions, but if you run fly launch --help you get every configuration option you could ever want! In this case, fly launch --org <orgname> will specify the organization.

You can also enable shell completion to allow tab-completion of these parameters.