Hi! I’m still fairly new to Fly, but I’m loving spinning up some small projects with it. It’s fast, simple, practical and the cherry on top is having the ability of creating a global presence faster than I can blink.
My latest small experiment is trying to ditch a bunch of dnscrypt-proxy local instances that I have, across multiple places doing DoH upstream and using a handful of blocklists. It’s a pain to maintain it, every time a config changes, I end up having to touch multiple machines. (I won’t even touch the subject of sending queries to third parties from my home IP). I’ve found a very interesting Go project named Blocky, and it seems that it can do almost everything dnscrypt-proxy does, in a simpler way and specially provide me plain DNS and DoH support, with all this plus some Fly magic, I can even serve DNS on multiple continents while maintaining one single file.
Sorry for the rambling, now for the actual problem, the Dockerfile works, I’ve tested locally and on a VPS, but when flyctl finishes the launch and I can see the logs via the dashboard, I can’t query 53 TCP/UDP. If I had to guess it’s either being blocked (port 53 is tricky I know) or I’m doing something stupid with fly.toml.
app = "some actual app name"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
processes = []
allowed_public_ports = [53]
auto_rollback = true
internal_port = 53
protocol = "udp"
port = 53
Either way I would love any input and/or ideas on how to solve this! Thanks a lot in advance!