Suddenly can't ssh - "create ssh certificate..."

Hi, ssh was working fine but suddenly I stopped being able to run things like fly ssh console. It just hangs, and if I kill it I get:

^CError: create ssh certificate: Post "": context canceled (if you haven't created a key for your org yet, try flyctl ssh issue)

I saw this fly ssh: Error establish key failed: key exists and override not set and tried fly ssh issue, but it also hangs and blurts the same error if I cancel:

fly ssh issue
? Select Organization: frdm (frdm)
^CError: create ssh certificate: Post "": context canceled (if you haven't created a key for your org yet, try `flyctl ssh issue`)

just tested fly proxy and it works though

We’re seeing the same thing.

Similar to my previous thread about it and their status page says everything is fine …

fly ssh console is working now (ewr).

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