stuck on Waiting for depot builder...

✓ Configuration is valid
→ Verified app config
==> Building image
Waiting for depot builder…
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: timed out connecting to machine: failed to list workers: Unavailable: connection error: desc = “transport: authentication handshake failed: EOF”

i tried deploying from cli, GitHub actions, etc…


love when things magically break, and fix overnight with no status explanation

I can’t recall where I saw it, but I think there’s a legacy builder you can use if you get stuck with Depot. I think it was mentioned on this forum someplace.


Ah, here it is.

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I have had to go into my dashboard every few days to click Reset in the App Builders tab. There is no feedback in the UI, but it unbreaks my builds.

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thank you both! i knew the legacy builder existed but that reset button sounds gainful asf.

it’s back… and the legacy builder is also not working anymore. but this time resetting the app builders worked, and i have a new issue.

WARNING The app is not listening on the expected address and will not be reachable by fly-proxy.
You can fix this by configuring your app to listen on the following addresses:

  • lease for 90801e43b70278

but i haven’t changed my fly.toml. the internal_port is still 8080. and then i get a 504:

Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying…

Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout

 ✔ [1/2] Cleared lease for 90801e43b70278
 ✔ [2/2] Cleared lease for e286001be0e108
Error: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout (Request ID: 01JMD2FXGRPCSRB4E4ZP323GTH-sjc) (Trace ID: 5b554d5595803c7af448f3cc2beff706)