✓ Configuration is valid
→ Verified app config
==> Building image
Waiting for depot builder…
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: timed out connecting to machine: failed to list workers: Unavailable: connection error: desc = “transport: authentication handshake failed: EOF”
I can’t recall where I saw it, but I think there’s a legacy builder you can use if you get stuck with Depot. I think it was mentioned on this forum someplace.
it’s back… and the legacy builder is also not working anymore. but this time resetting the app builders worked, and i have a new issue.
WARNING The app is not listening on the expected address and will not be reachable by fly-proxy.
You can fix this by configuring your app to listen on the following addresses: lease for 90801e43b70278
but i haven’t changed my fly.toml. the internal_port is still 8080. and then i get a 504:
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying…
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout Retrying...
Failed to update machines: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout
✔ [1/2] Cleared lease for 90801e43b70278
✔ [2/2] Cleared lease for e286001be0e108
Error: failed to update machine 90801e43b70278: failed to update VM 90801e43b70278: request returned non-2xx status: 504: upstream request timeout (Request ID: 01JMD2FXGRPCSRB4E4ZP323GTH-sjc) (Trace ID: 5b554d5595803c7af448f3cc2beff706)