Soft-limit per machine

I was looking to add more edge machines with a lower memory, soft-limit, and hard-limit.

It looks like memory can be adjusted, but I don’t see a way to set softlimit? Did I miss something? Is it perhaps possible to set under metadata?

  flyctl machine update [machine_id] [flags]

  -a, --app string                  Application name
      --autostart                   Automatically start a stopped Machine when a network request is received
                                    (default true)
      --autostop                    Automatically stop a Machine when there are no network requests for it
                                    (default true)
      --build-nixpacks              Build your image with nixpacks
  -C, --command string              Command to run
  -c, --config string               Path to application configuration file
      --detach                      Return immediately instead of monitoring deployment progress
      --dockerfile string           The path to a Dockerfile. Defaults to the Dockerfile in the working directory.
      --entrypoint string           The command to override the Docker ENTRYPOINT.
  -e, --env stringArray             Set of environment variables in the form of NAME=VALUE pairs. Can be
                                    specified multiple times.
      --file-literal stringArray    Set of literals to write to the Machine, in the form of
                                    /path/inside/machine=VALUE pairs, where VALUE is the base64-encoded raw
                                    content. Can be specified multiple times.
      --file-local stringArray      Set of files to write to the Machine, in the form of
                                    /path/inside/machine=<local/path> pairs. Can be specified multiple times.
      --file-secret stringArray     Set of secrets to write to the Machine, in the form of
                                    /path/inside/machine=SECRET pairs, where SECRET is the name of the secret.
                                    The content of the secret must be base64 encoded. Can be specified multiple times.
  -h, --help                        help for update
      --host-dedication-id string   The dedication id of the reserved hosts for your organization (if any)
  -i, --image string                The Docker image to deploy
      --kernel-arg stringArray      A list of kernel arguments to provide to the init. Can be specified multiple
  -m, --metadata stringArray        Metadata in the form of NAME=VALUE pairs. Can be specified multiple times.
      --mount-point string          New volume mount point
  -p, --port strings                The external ports and handlers for services, in the format:
                                        For example: --port 80/tcp --port 443:80/tcp:http:tls --port 5432/tcp:pg_tls
                                        To remove a port mapping use '-' as handler. For example: --port 80/tcp:-
      --restart string              Set the restart policy for a Machine. Options include 'no', 'always', and
                                        Default is 'on-fail' for Machines created by 'fly deploy' and Machines with
                                    a schedule. Default is 'always' for Machines created by 'fly m run'.
      --schedule string             Schedule a Machine run at hourly, daily and monthly intervals
      --skip-dns-registration       Do not register the machine's 6PN IP with the internal DNS system
      --skip-health-checks          Updates machine without waiting for health checks.
      --skip-start                  Updates machine without starting it.
      --standby-for strings         For Machines without services, a comma separated list of Machine IDs to act
                                    as standby for.
      --vm-cpu-kind string          The kind of CPU to use ('shared' or 'performance')
      --vm-cpus int                 Number of CPUs
      --vm-gpu-kind string          If set, the GPU model to attach (a100-pcie-40gb, a100-sxm4-80gb, l40s)
      --vm-gpus int                 Number of GPUs. Must also choose the GPU model with --vm-gpu-kind flag
      --vm-memory string            Memory (in megabytes) to attribute to the VM
      --vm-size string              The VM size to set machines to. See "fly platform vm-sizes" for valid values
      --wait-timeout int            Seconds to wait for individual machines to transition states and become
                                    healthy. (default 300) (default 300)
  -y, --yes                         Accept all confirmations

Memory, soft and hard limits are all part of config so I think it should be possible to fly machine update -c fly.toml

Alternatively, you can directly use the Machines API: Update Machine. Memory would be in the guest key of the config JSON, soft/hard limit under services.concurrency, as in the toml file.

You could query the machines you plan to update for their config and modify the result to ensure you’re only changing the bits you want to.

Heads up though, keeping track of which machines have what config might get a bit unwieldy!

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