Set/get outgoing IP address for whitelisting on external APIs/Hosts

+1 Also need this feature.

And only after allocating an dedicated ipv4 address, i just found it only affect the incoming traffic.

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We also need the same feature. We will have to look somewhere else until this is available.

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+1 in case this thread gets a response. We need a whitelist-able static egress IP for a Redshift connection.

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I also just discovered that the dedicated IP is only an inbound IP. This outbound IP is something I really need for security purposes. I can not use fly until this is feature is added

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+1 , Where do we stand with this feature?

+1 !



+1 - was struggling to understand why I wasn’t able to connect to external database regardless of my dedicated IP being whitelisted.


+1 - big need, happy to pay for it.

+1 im in real need of this, is there anyone with any updates?

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