Server response of 3.75 seconds - How to improve?

Context: Im using fly replay

I have a nuxt application - and a wordpress application that i use as a cheap SEO friendly CMS.
The dev experience is great tbh, im very happy with the set up. However, im not so happy with the 3.75 seconds response.

My configuration at nuxt.config is the next:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
routeRules: {
  '*/blog/**': { headers: { 'fly-replay': 'app=wp-app' } },
  '*/terms-of-service/**': { headers: { 'fly-replay': 'app=wp-app' } },
  '*/refund-policy/**': { headers: { 'fly-replay': 'app=wp-app' } },
  '*/privacy-policy/**': { headers: { 'fly-replay': 'app=wp-app' } }

Yes, those are nitro routing rules sending the fly replay instructions to redirect traffic.

I can think of a couple of other solutions:

  • Set up my own nginx server
  • use proxy nitro rules

Figured out use fly replay is the most scalable solution because it uses the raw fly infra so if possible I would like to keep that

  • Do you know how to reduce the server response?
  • What has been your experience with the other two solutions? if you tried
  • Any other ideas on how to handle this issue?

Your route definitions are both redundant and inconsistent. There’s something wrong with your app, it shouldn’t take 3 seconds to replay a request.

Or there’s something wrong with fly with the latest issues they’ve been having.

Hosted the site with a foreign mysql instance. Probably the +.75 come from there

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