"Server misbehaving" error on first deployment

I’m getting this error when I try to run fly deploy:

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error rendering push status stream: Get "https://registry.fly.io/v2/": dial tcp: lookup registry.fly.io on [fdaa::3]:53: server misbehaving

Here’s the full build log:

Appreciate any help or insight, thanks!

I’m getting the same server misbehaving error trying to do a fly deploy as well. From a past forum post this seems to be a fly.io backend issue so hopefully the support team sees this soon!

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I got the same error message today. Hopefully it will get resolved soon.

Looks to be the same as Server misbehaving

@jssjr Are you able to resolve similarly to before?

I think this is resolved now, but would love to know if you’re still seeing differently.

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Sorry, haven’t circled back to this in awhile. But wanted to confirm I successfully deployed!