Secret is not being unset by `fly secrets unset`

Pretty simple issue, but not sure why it’s happening. Brand new app, not yet deployed. I add a secret and try to remove it:

$ fly secrets set MY_SUPER_SECRET=thisissecret
Secrets are staged for the first deployment

$ fly secrets list                                                                                                                                                                               
NAME                  DIGEST                           DATE
MY_SUPER_SECRET       61b861983bbcffe7199f21823393910e 5s ago

$ fly secrets unset MY_SUPER_SECRET                                                                                                                                                             
Secrets are staged for the first deployment

// verify the secret is removed...
$ fly secrets list                                                                                                                                                                               
NAME                  DIGEST                           DATE
MY_SUPER_SECRET       61b861983bbcffe7199f21823393910e 5s ago

As can be seen above, it looks like the secret is not being unset. fly gives no errors in the above.

Any ideas what’s going on here?

This might be a bug in how we handle secrets pre and post deploy. We may have a fix for it, so give it another try in 10 minutes or so!

Seems to work now I’ve deployed. I guess it’s not a huge problem if it only happens pre-deploy

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