Scale to 0 with healthcheck


I am trying to scale my machine to 0 when not using but healthcheck seems to be preventing fly from scaling down. How do i properly configure this?

my fly.toml looks like this

app = "myapp"
primary_region = "sin"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
processes = [ ]
swap_size_mb = 512

allowed_public_ports = [ ]
auto_rollback = true

source = "data"
destination = "/data"

  internal_port = 8080
  force_https = true
  auto_stop_machines = "stop"
  auto_start_machines = true
  min_machines_running = 0

    type = "requests"
    soft_limit = 80 
    hard_limit = 100

  grace_period = "10s"
  interval = "30s"
  method = "GET"
  protocol = "http"
  timeout = "2s"
  path = "/resources/healthcheck"

  size = "shared-cpu-1x"
  memory = "512mb"

Is your health check recursively hitting your app? Someone accidentally did this in the past and that was the root problem. If not, then something else is pinging your app, eg a web crawler.

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