Running flower with celery

I have deployed a django app to production on fly successfully, i am trying to addflower to monitor celery, locally i run it as

python -m celery -A healthcare flower

it exposes port 5555 by default
my fly process are as follows

    app= "gunicorn --bind :8000 --workers 2 app.wsgi"
    worker = "python -m celery -A app worker -l info"
    beat = "python -m celery -A app beat -l info"
    flower = "python -m celery -A app flower"

how can i access the flower ui?

I haven’t tested with flower, but something like the following in your fly.toml should do the trick:

  http_checks = []
  internal_port = 5555
  processes = ["flower"]
  protocol = "tcp"
  script_checks = []
    hard_limit = 25 
    soft_limit = 20 
    type = "connections"

    handlers = ["tls", "http"]
    port = 5555
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Thanks! this worked

Question, do you have some auth built into the flower? or could anyone access this UI?
How do you actually access this flowe ui? do you just go to <your_endpoint_url>:5555/ ?

@rubys - any thoughts on my question above? If I were to do this, how would authentication work how could I actually access this dashboard?

I don’t actually know anything about flower or celery, but the update to fly.toml I suggested would let you access a second application at :5555. Authentication would be up to you.