"Retry from latest commit" uses stale commit

I just fired up Fly for the first time and had an error in my build that I noticed right away after a failed deployment. I see there are two buttons, one to retry with the same commit and the other to try with the latest from main. However, both do the same thing, the try the commit starting with 95e... rather than the latest I’m seeing in github.

I feel like I don’t have an escape hatch, flailing on the first attempt!

UPDATE: I tried launching a new deployment with the latest commit separately, but now each time I’m tried that it fails somewhere between pulling from github and building the image:

Here’s the error below the fold:

I’ve tried both buttons, but nothing results in meaningful logs

I’m not familiar with deploying from GitHub. Are you using GitHub Actions for this? Please show your Fly-related deployment code in this thread.

I don’t think one generally needs the deployer image that is mentioned in your screenshot; I’d just install the flyctl binary and supply the secrets and .toml config that it needs. You can then do flyctl deploy in your Actions pipeline.

Hi, thanks for responding. It’s not deploying from Github, but Fly is pulling my code from Github to then deploy on their side.

The repo is pretty simple, it’s just a dockerfile with some small executable file that gets bundled and logs a message.

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