remote error: tls handshake failure

Working to deploy a new application, but getting a ton of tls handshake failures.
Unsure whether they are related to my system or service.

Here is an example of the tls handshake error failure.
The same thing happens for other commands like trying to create a new volume.

The LOG_LEVEL=debug option did not give any more info,
fly logs command doesn’t return any logs either. I’m guessing cause there aren’t any.

Hey there,

Would you mind trying to deploy with the flag --remote-only and see what happens? If that doesn’t work, do you mind going to the monitoring section of the application and providing us with what’s going on?

remote-only flag resulted in the same message.

Here is a screenshot of monitoring tab, which is empty.
This would be the first deploy for this application, it’s freshly created.

Very interesting…

Could you run fly doctor and provide the output? Also was there a fly.toml file and Dockerfile that was created when you ran fly launch? If so would you mind sharing those as well, to provide more context on the situation?

Doctor passed with flying colors

Here are the fly.toml and dockerfile.
I used the indie stack template

@kaelynH Do you have any thoughts on what might cause this?

Did you get it resolved? I’m facing the exact same issue and the Doctor is also fully green.

I’m very new to and this is getting me to try some other options out there instead of this one to be honest.

Can you be more specific about the issue you’re talking about? That’s a thread from a year ago about someone seeing API errors when doing deploys. If you’re seeing the same thing, it’s very unlikely that it has the same underlying cause.