remote build fails via some mechanism i do not appear able to control

==> Pushing image to fly
The push refers to repository []
99038b551630: Preparing
734b834382a9: Preparing
2d7b4feadcaa: Preparing
8a1e6ec01263: Preparing
a8b838b00381: Preparing
cf399be408ea: Waiting
793b971ccb99: Waiting
d172a9e6f9e6: Waiting
0c7daf9a72c8: Waiting
75ba02937496: Waiting
288cf3a46e32: Waiting                                                                                                   186da837555d: Waiting
955c9335e041: Waiting
8e079fee2186: Waiting
Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: error rendering push status stream: unauthorized: not allowed

my remote build keeps failing exactly here in exactly this way no matter what i do. other articles here about it state it to be a fly issue, so i figure i should bring it up to fly.

Hi there can you check flyctl logs and post what it says also did you sign in with flyctl auth login inside your terminal?

This can also happen if the flyctl agent or the wireguard peer get into a bad state. Reset both with:

fly agent stop
fly wg reset <org> # <--- put your org name there

it’s working again, with no input on my part. i assume it’s been fixed. thank you fly

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Thanks for reporting this. We found a periodic connectivity issue from the registry in the gru region to the database used to authorize requests. This thread has a similar error to what you were seeing: Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: error rendering push status stream: unauthorized: not allowed

We believe that connectivity issue has now been fixed, and these won’t recur. Let us know if you see this again.

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