1.8 Mbps (megabits per second) is 0.2 MBps (megabytes per second). 1 Bytes == 8 bits.
Uploading a 220MBytes file should take ~18 minutes at that speed. 11 minutes would mean you were uploading at speeds closer to 0.3MBps.
These speeds are very low. Can you provide a traceroute to debug.fly.dev? A mtr debug.fly.dev for a few minutes might be better to see if there’s packet loss.
1 ( 3.227 ms 5.188 ms 6.863 ms
2 ( 29.547 ms 34.602 ms 21.201 ms
3 * * *
4 * * *
5 ( 35.538 ms 17.108 ms 21.613 ms
6 customer-189-216-3-40.cablevision.net.mx ( 22.121 ms 21.024 ms 24.434 ms
7 150.189-204-152.bestelclientes.com.mx ( 29.582 ms 43.416 ms 47.849 ms
8 45.189-204-152.bestelclientes.com.mx ( 34.349 ms 31.341 ms 42.833 ms
9 ( 46.246 ms 43.126 ms 68.964 ms
10 * * *
11 ustex-elp-sot-dc1.transtelco.net ( 44.866 ms 85.483 ms 73.886 ms
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 ( 79.426 ms 58.151 ms 44.252 ms
Thank you. Packet loss at the last hop in a MTR is generally a bad sign.
I’m consulting our network team to see if there’s anything we can do about this routing situation.
I think things might be smoother using a remote builder (via --remote-only during fly deploy).
I noticed you had wireguard peers in a pretty far-away region (cdg: Paris). Can you try fly wireguard reset? Either way, if you could get a new peer in a closer region, that will probably help a lot with upload speeds when using remote builders. You can find out your current peers’ regions w/ fly wireguard list or by reading ~/.fly/config.yml.
Ok, interpreting that mtr output: There’s packet loss all the way, on every hop. This would indicate a problem with your ISP (either them as a whole, a misconfiguration or physical link issues? not sure.)
High packet loss usually means a hop is dropping ping replies. That isn’t exactly “packet loss”, more like a measurement artifact.
Low packet loss usually means it’s real packet loss.
High packet loss at your home router ( is a bit odd, as if it was almost blocking all pings, but not all.
Hm sounds like flyctl isn’t recovering when a connection breaks for whatever reason. We’ll need to look into that, but for now we’re not planning on deploying anything more the registry. Hopefully you’re unblocked now.
Ok, I can’t reason about the internet connection or router here as I am traveling. I just remember that I had this issue before at home and it just resolved itself at some point.
I worked around it for now by deploying a VPS server in San Francisco and deploying from there. Everything else was unbearable. I will report back home if I still see issues.
A remote builder should help here. Since your issues a few months ago we’ve added support for WireGuard over web sockets instead of UDP which helps on some networks. If you wanted to try that, run flyctl wg websockets enable then deploy again. Hopefully it works so you don’t need a VPS.