Postgres queries slow

Hey, I’m having super slow Postgres interactions.

It’s a remix app and remix uses Prisma ORM. So a query like that:

    where: { id: '1' },

which translates into an SQL query like that:

select * from event where id = '1'

That locally takes a few mills, but in the deployed app takes like 2s.

The database event table barely has 5 entries.

Any clues?


Is this still an issue? If it is, can you share the output of fly checks list -a <app-name> here?

Yes, it is still.

Here you go, the output you requested:

$ fly checks list -a table-planner-a28b-staging
Health Checks for table-planner-a28b-staging
  NAME                             | STATUS  | ALLOCATION | REGION | TYPE | LAST UPDATED         | OUTPUT                                                               
  03833b6def760b24d9962af66e7ec077 | passing | 157b304a   | mad    | HTTP | 7s ago               | HTTP GET 200 OK Output: OK[✓]  
                                   |         |            |        |      |                      |                                                                      
                                   |         |            |        |      |                      |                                                                      
  3df2415693844068640885b45074b954 | passing | 157b304a   | mad    | TCP  | 2022-12-07T17:38:09Z | TCP connect Success[✓]                            
                                   |         |            |        |      |                      |                                                                      
                                   |         |            |        |      |                      |                                                                      

And this is for the attached db:

$ fly checks list -a table-planner-a28b-staging-db
WARN The running flyctl agent (v0.0.435) is older than the current flyctl (v0.0.437).
WARN The out-of-date agent will be shut down along with existing wireguard connections. The new agent will start automatically as needed.
Health Checks for table-planner-a28b-staging-db
  NAME | STATUS  | MACHINE        | LAST UPDATED         | OUTPUT                                                                   
  pg   | passing | 591851e1c67d83 | 2022-12-07T21:36:43Z | [✓] transactions: read/write (211.19µs)                                  
       |         |                |                      | [✓] connections: 11 used, 3 reserved, 300 max (3.27ms)                   
  role | passing | 591851e1c67d83 | 2022-11-21T13:57:40Z | leader                                                                   
  vm   | passing | 591851e1c67d83 | 20h35m ago           | [✓] checkDisk: 818.38 MB (82.8%) free space on /data/ (70.54µs)          
       |         |                |                      | [✓] checkLoad: load averages: 0.02 0.09 0.14 (106.42µs)                  
       |         |                |                      | [✓] memory: system spent 0s of the last 60s waiting on memory (75.66µs)  
       |         |                |                      | [✓] cpu: system spent 924ms of the last 60s waiting on cpu (59.43µs)     
       |         |                |                      | [✓] io: system spent 1.23s of the last 60s waiting on io (67.83µs)       

I was suspecting it was because the db is in LHR region and the app seems to be in MAD. But I don’t really know how to change the app region to LHR too, or if it’s just depending on where the user is.

Yeah, you should probably have both in the same region. Here on how to migrate your primary to a new region: High Availability & Global Replication · Fly Docs. Or you could migrate your app’s only instance to lr instead:

  1. fly regions add lhr --app <app-name>
  2. fly scale count 2 --app <app-name>
  3. fly regions remove mad --app <app-name>
  4. If you only want to run one instance scale down with fly scale count 1 --app <app-name>
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Thanks, that’s exactly what I wanted to do, but it’s quite confusing. Let’s see if that improves the speed!

EDIT: Yep it was that, now It’s blazing fast as it should :slight_smile: