Postgres not connecting: proxy errors?

After the incident this weekend, my app hasn’t been able to successfully reconnect with my postgres instance. The logs in my app are regularly hitting errors such as these:

proxy[19baed19] iad [error] instance refused connection

and a ton of proxy errors from different regions:

2023-01-23T19:49:37.620 proxy[19baed19] iad [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 20)

2023-01-23T19:49:38.174 proxy[19baed19] mia [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 20)

2023-01-23T19:49:38.278 proxy[19baed19] sjc [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 20)

2023-01-23T19:49:38.620 proxy[19baed19] hkg [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 20)

2023-01-23T19:49:38.894 proxy[19baed19] sea [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 20)

2023-01-23T19:49:38.954 proxy[19baed19] fra [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 20)

2023-01-23T19:49:39.089 proxy[19baed19] syd [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 20)

And timing out:

2023-01-23T19:46:23.392 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:23.441 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:24.442 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:25.441 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:25.739 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:25.746 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:26.895 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:28.138 runner[19baed19] iad [info] Starting instance

2023-01-23T19:46:28.594 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:28.936 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

2023-01-23T19:46:28.990 proxy[19baed19] iad [error] timed out while connecting to instance

On the database side, I’ve restarted a couple times but haven’t seen success. Seeing these errors regularly:

iad [info] keeper | 2023-01-23 19:36:54.834 UTC [29704] FATAL: connection to client lost

2023-01-23T19:43:21.853 app[73287903f11685] iad [info] keeper | 2023-01-23 19:43:21.850 UTC [32016] LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer

2023-01-23T19:43:21.863 app[73287903f11685] iad [info] keeper | 2023-01-23 19:43:21.863 UTC [32015] LOG: could not send data to client: Connection reset by peer

I’m also seeing keeper errors on the DB side:
WARN cmd/sentinel.go:276 no keeper info available {"db": "fe981a24", "keeper": "92f03176832"}

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I’m seeing the same issue. My app is stuck in deployment with 0 healthy hosts because of this.

Seeing the same issue with my app in LHR region. Posted it here Issues in LHR region?