Opening new connection for pool failed: PSQLError(code: serverClosedConnection) [database-id: psql, request-id: XXXXX]
2024-04-26T09:36:05.859 app[appid] otp [info] [ WARNING ] PSQLError(code: serverClosedConnection, triggeredFromRequestInFile: PostgresKit/PostgresDatabase+SQL.swift, line: 53, query: PostgresQuery(sql: SELECT "xx"."id" AS "xx", "xx"."xx xx" AS "xxx", "xxx"."xx" AS "xxxx", "xxx"."xxx" AS "xxxx" FROM "xxxx", binds: [])) [request-id: YYYYYYY]
There was no such problem until yesterday morning. It started happening all of a sudden.
Due to these situations, sometimes we cannot verify users’ sessions. We are forced to redirect users to login again and again.